Soul Session Readings

“One hour with Angela has been better than a year of counseling.”

- Kathryn McClean


Work with Me 1:1

Helping you to "Feel Lighter & Shine Brighter", our session will include using intuitive guidance, psychic mediumship, the chakra system, colour therapy, and alternative health tools for healing and inspiration.

Learn how to manage through life's challenges and changes with understanding and ease. 

Within a one-hour session, I’m blessed with the ability to talk to my client, listen to their concerns, and pinpoint exact issues which are causing the client to "feel stuck in life."  I always maintain an extremely positive outlook, while honing in on my ability to see within life's struggles and address the cause rather than the symptoms.

The majority of my clients are between the ages of 35-55 who have felt “stuck” in life.  Although, I welcome all people 18+ of any denomination and gender with open arms and lots of love.

We all can have trouble finding our passion, enhancing our relationships, overcoming lifelong fears, learning how to set boundaries, owning our self worth — or just receiving guidance at that moment in time when we need it the most. 

After one session I guarantee you’ll feel lighter and be able to breathe easier while obtaining new tools for your healing toolbox or I will refund your payment.

Each 1 hour session is $175+hst and recorded, if you so desire, and uploaded to a private YouTube link for your view.

  • “Angela is a beautiful soul who can help and appeal to so many with her engaging style, vibrant enthusiasm, tremendous knowledge and expertise. There is simply no one else like her who can do it like she does.”

    Mary Roberto

  • Angela is an amazing lady that has helped so many people, she deserves an award!!!!

    Catherine Pilon

  • I have been a client of Angela’s and and know first hand how she can transform your life. I have become the person I was meant to be and have her to thank. I wish her all the best in her continued success!

    Christina Thomas

  • As a person who has periodically sought help, and, especially as a person who has worked in the field of Mental Health Counseling, I can say that Angela is an exceptional spiritual advisor. She used her intuition, knowledge, and personal insight to help me, and her advice was accurate and perfectly timed. I attribute Angela with helping me move into a place of balance and self love. I would, and do, recommend Angela to anyone.

    Fiona Stevenson

  • “Having an expert, like Angela sharing her knowledge is priceless. Angela will inspire you to go beyond your wildest dreams to achieve empowerment and success!”

    Victoria L.

  • It was a truly wonderful experience having a Soul Session with Angela! Not only is she a gifted psychic, but she also draws on a wealth of knowledge from a number of different areas related to self-help, psychology, energy work, colours, stones, and much more. She easily tapped into me and could see to the root of some of the key issues that I have been dealing with for some time. Angela’s insightful suggestions and practical solutions were refreshing, helpful and doable. Angela knows how to hold a compassionate and loving healing space. I felt supported, honoured, cared about and safe. She is a warm and nurturing person and I appreciate her heart-centred approach. I wholeheartedly recommend Angela to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of themselves and of others. Thank you so much Angela for your help, I’m so glad you’re on the planet at this time, you’re needed! Your light shines bright!

    Rachel Knight

How it works

I will help you put pieces of the puzzle together so you can see the big picture. My sessions include using the chakra system, colour therapy, intuitive guidance, and alternative health tools for healing and inspiration. Being connected to ‘the other side’ is a blessing and gift I use to help you connect with angels, guides, and past loved ones for more in-depth messages about your path in life and how to manage through challenges and changes with understanding and ease. 

Please know, if messages come through from the other side, they are always filled with love and light. The angels, guides and past loved ones are waiting to help us with all of our needs and concerns. Allow me to be your messenger and help you release any fears you may have in connecting with your spiritual support system. In one hour, you will receive clarity about your blocks, a clear picture on how to move ahead, and inspirational support with new tools for healing as well as messages from above.


Choose your Soul Session one hour time slot. If you need a time that isn’t available, please reach out through email and I’ll try to accomodate you.


You already know this is what you need! Just click to book your soul session and let’s get to it!


Your 1-hour zoom session is recorded and uploaded to a private link for your future reference.

You’re just steps away from Feeling Lighter & Shining Brighter.